Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week I'm talking about some of the 2016 debut novels I'm looking forward to reading. Honestly, I hadn't heard much about most of these, and they were pretty much all found on a late night GoodReads browse. However I like the sound of all of them, so I'm definitely interested in getting them, or you know, at least reading them. (also, as far as I know, all of these are debut novels, but if not, then you're welcome to tell me so)
1. Jerkbait, 2. Symptoms of Being Human, 3. If I Was Your Girl, 4. Shallow Graves, 5. Beautiful Broken Things
6. Please Don't Tell, 7. These Vicious Masks, 8. The Girl From Everywhere, 9. The Love That Split The World, 10. The May Queen Murders
11. True Letters From A Fictional Life, 12. Seven Ways To Lie, 13. Underwater, 14. The Way I Used To Be, 15. This Is Where It Ends
I didn't really feel like I could narrow it down to 10, so the list ended up having 15 books instead. Oh Well. These are in no way put in any order of release date, or even which I'm most excited to read. Of course there are some that I'm more excited to read than others, but isn't there always? I think that If I Was Your Girl, These Vicious Masks, The Girl From Everywhere, and The Way I Used To Be are the books I'm looking forward to the most. At least as of right now, but it might change.
What 2016 debut novels are you looking forward to reading?