
Top Ten Tuesday || Bookish problems I have

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week I'm talking about all those bookish problems I have. Some of these are going to be serious, well "serious", and some of them are just kind of ridiculous.

1. Not knowing what to read.
I think this is a pretty common thing for book lovers. Recently I've had such a hard time figuring out what I want to read, and then I end up just not reading any books at all - and that's not what I wanted at all...

2. Never sticking to one book.
I have a hard time reading only one book at a time. Usually I will be reading two books at a time, but then I will get an urge to read a whole 'nother book, and I can't ignore that feeling. So I will end up ignoring the two books I was originally reading to read the third book.

3. Checking out too many books from the library
There are so many books I want to read, and getting them from the library always seem like such a good idea. Except for the fact that I tend to check out around six books at a time, which is way more than I can read in the short amount of time I have them. I really need to learn how to limit myself.

4. Breaking my back because my books weigh down my bag.
This is honestly not that big of a problem anymore. Since I've gotten my eReader, my bag has become so much lighter to carry around. But before my eReader, I was pretty much carrying around three or four books at a time - granted they were all paperbacks, but still, that will end up being pretty heavy anyway.

5. Where the hell do I put the book..
A problem that might not be too serious, but it's incredibly annoying. My bookshelf has a mix of both books and DVDs, and I honestly don't have room to put anything else on that shelf. Last week I bought two books, and when I got home I realized that there wasn't any room for them. I honestly just have books lying around in random places in my room. Not the best idea.

6. Not getting enough sleep because I stay up and read.
Usually this doesn't bother me too much. I can function fine enough, most of the time, with not that much sleep. However, this pattern tend to continue into my exam periods, and that's where it really becomes a problem. It's just, when you're really into a book, you just don't want to put it down. And honestly I don't have that much time to read in the day. So evening and night it is!

7. Having a million bookmarks, but never using them.
This is a completely silly problem, that's not really a problem when you really think about it. I have a lot of bookmarks, and they are all positioned on my bookshelf. The problem lies in the fact that I usually will read in my bed, and it's honestly too much hassle to get up and get a bookmark when I want to put the book down. Basically they are just decoration on my shelf now.

8. More back pain, this time because of bad reading position.
I think we have all experienced this one. Finding a comfortable reading position is difficult, and I've often ended up in the strangest position trying to read a book. A lot of pillows and blankets are the best way to prevent this. Or maybe just a proper chair.

9. Spending too much money on books.
How can this not be a problem? A lot of my money goes into buying books. Now, it's not that I really mind, because books, but it can prove to be a problem at the end of the month. I'm really bad at managing my money, so I often end up spending a lot more money on books than I intended to. But I'm working on it.

10. No one understands me.
The last problem is the fact that I don't really have any real life friends who are readers. The only one I can talk to about books, who will also understand it, is my cousin. This can be so frustrating at times, because I just want to share all my love for certain books. Luckily, I have people online who I can share my love with. But it would be nice to have someone a little closer - just sometimes.

What are some of your bookish problems?


  1. 1 & 2. Yes. That's when I get into the problem of reading 3 books at once, though. All different genres, thankfully, but it's because I don't know what to read!

    5. Storage problems are always an issue! It's the only reason I have to cut back spending money on books. *sad trombone* (also pertains to 9, I guess, haha! Have you looked into Book Outlet? Not that you should because you don't have space but...you'd save a lot.)

    7. OMG HAHAHA yes! I only use maybe four bookmarks religiously. Everything else just sits on a bookshelf, unused. Why? Why the need for so many bookmarks? Haha.

    10. I have some friends from high school and college who are bookish, but not quite to the extent I am...the blessings of an online community, I guess. It's good to have at least one person who shares the enthusiasm.

    My TTT

    1. I would love to order from Book Outlet, but I'm sure the shipping to Denmark would just be ridiculous in the end. So buying less books it is!

      The bookmark thing is getting a little out of hand - I always try to tell myself that I will use them, but I think I only use one or two of the ones I own.

  2. Great list! I never know what to read either because there's just way too many books on my TBR shelf and as soon as I finish a book suddenly everything looks good or nothing does. I also have a problem with taking out too many library books when I should be focusing on the books I actually own. Great list! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Thank you!
      Yeah, that's how I feel - it's like all or nothing. I think that's part of the reason why my TBR pile is so big.

  3. Nice list of book related problems!! I have a difficult time deciding what to read next as I have so many books to choose from in my massive TBR. Here's a link to my TTT for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/02/top-ten-tuesday-ten-book-related.html

    1. Thank you! Yeah, that's basically how I feel as well.
