
Wrap-Up || December 2014 + A TBR Talk

Last night I posted about all the books I somehow got in December, and today I thought it would be appropriate to share the books I read. December was a good reading month for me in terms of the number of books read. I read a total of 13 books - of of those being a graphic novel, and two of them being short stories. There weren't necessarily many books that blew me away this month, but I still did read some pretty decent books.

This was my fourth Rainbow Rowell book, and I absolutely adored it. Not as much as Eleanor and Park or Fangirl, but it was definitely good. I really liked the characters, and how the story unfolded. I would definitely recommend this to contemporary lovers.

I am completely in love with this series. This book was my least favorite of the ones I've read, but that didn't mean I didn't like it. It was a beautiful continuation of the story, and the characters were as always amazing. 

I wasn't really sure what to expect from this book when I started it. It turned out to be an okay read for me. To me it was just a bit too predictable, and that ruined the mystery a little for me. However, I really liked the writing, and the characters, and I would definitely like to continue this series.

definitely enjoyed this more than the first book. I think I just needed to get a little more into the story before I could really enjoy it. I definitely like the the main characters, and the direction the story is taking. Plus, I'm really in love with the artwork.

This book had me very emotional. I was smiling, and crying all at the same time. All in all the book was a beautiful story about life and love. I really enjoyed the writing in this book, and I would definitely pick up another book by Giovanna Fletcher.

This book. This book was interesting, and completely frustrating at the same time. I'm pretty sure this book is going to be a guilty pleasure of mine. Sometimes it got too repetitive and that ruined the story a bit for me. 

Again, this will be a guilty pleasure. I do have issues with these books, but I somehow feel the need to keep reading. A big portion of this just turned too unrealistic, and it just fell flat. However, I'm attached to these characters now, and that's why I will still continue on with this series.

This book was fantastic. As soon as I finished it, I immediately wanted to re-read it. I love the main characters but there were times were I got a little bit frustrated with them. Nonetheless, I think that added to the story, and made it seem more real. I'm pretty sure I'm going to re-read this in 2015.

As soon as I finished Maybe Someday I picked this one up. I really wanted to stay in the story a little but longer, so I thought this would be a perfect way to do so. However, I didn't particularly like this one. The main characters got on my nerves constantly, and I found myself pretty angry at one point. All in all, not a great read for me.

This is a short story set in the same universe as the Tall, Tatted and Tempting book (Reed Brother's series), and I fell the way about this one, as I do those books. They will be my guilty pleasure reads, even though I do have problems with them. In this book we meet some new characters as well as ones we've met before. 

What a great read this was. This is my second A.S. King book, and I must say, that I am in love with her writing. This book was such a roller coaster of emotions. At points I wanted to scream my head of because I wanted to pouch certain characters in the face, and I just wanted to hug the living daylights out of Gerald. I would definitely recommend this book to practically anyone.

Easy by Tammara Webber 
I've been wanting to pick this book up for forever, and I finally decided to put it on hold at the library. When I finally read it, I was so happy. I really enjoyed this story. Some points were kind of cliched, and it did follow the same New Adult formula with the bad boy and the good girl, however, that didn't really bother me. It was well written, and I would definitely pick this one up if you like New Adult, and haven't already read this one.

I have thought a lot about how to read this book, but I still can't come to a conclusion. This book was wonderful and then it wasn't. I loved the main character, but then again, I didn't, at all. I have so many conflicted feelings about this one, and I simply don't feel like I can give it a rating.

Lastly, I want to talk a little about having a monthly TBR. I used to set a TBR each month, whether it be big or small. The problem with that is, that I'm first and foremost a mood reader, and the books I'm in the mood for at the beginning of the month, might not be the ones I'm in the mood for at the end of it. Therefore I always end up straying from the list. This is why I probably won't post TBRs anymore. I just don't feel like setting myself up for something, and then knowing I'm gonna fail. Basically I want to read what I want, when I want, and that is why I'm deciding to skip out on TBRs this year. The only exception will probably be when it comes to Read-A-Thons - there are usually challenges or themes surrounding those, and that is when I feel like TBRs can come in handy. So there will likely be some, if I chose to participate in any Read-A-Thons.

Did you read anything extraordinary in December? What was your favorite read?

1 comment:

  1. Mmm, your thoughts on Solitaire sound intriguing! I bought Solitaire yesterday, finally, so I'm looking forward to reading it at some point. I wonder what I'll think of it? Most people's reviews have been pretty positive so far, so I'm really curious!

    I've only read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell which I really liked. I'm really looking forward to her Simon Snow book this year! (:

    Yeah, I agree, I think monthly TBRs are kind of pointless. I definitely just mood-read!
